Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 18

These are a few pics of my 10 yo son Kyle and my 2 yo son Kameron. I know all of you are probably tired of seeing my kids, but I am working on filling a new picture frame and need 15 good pics. So only a few more days of my kids pics and then MAYBE you will see something else. ;)


Jess said...

THe 3rd photo down of Kameron is ADORABLE!!! All of the shots are great, but the 3rd one is my absolute FAVORITE!

Maggie said...

Great job! Nice mixture of poses. I tell ya, you have such gorgeous kids.

~ Natalie~ said...

Aww, thanks.

Maggie you are so sweet. I think they are pretty cute myself, but I am a 'little' bias.

Holly said...

Nope. Not sick of looking at those faces! :) Great, great portraits. The focus seems to be on their eyes in every pic. I am drawn to them. Very nice.

reany365 said...

Nice job. Great poses.

Rachel said...

I just love the photos you take of your kids! You capture so much warmth and personality in each photo. And, oh my gosh, they all have stunning eyes! As usual, these are fantastic! (Will you come photograph my kids for me? LOL!)

Erica said...

Just amazing shots of your kids the last few days...really wonderful!

~ Natalie~ said...

Thanks girls!

Rachel-so sweet of you to say. If I lived close enough I would definitely come to your house. :)