Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 26

These are pictures of my 5 year old, Kaleb learning to ride his bike. I am proud to say by the end of the day he had it mastered. Go Kaleb!


Laura said...

Great pictures! Love the colour! I'm sure you will treasure these down the road.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww..very sweet. *sigh* My boys don't have it yet. They are 7 & 8.

Jess said...

I agree with Laura~ Your colors are so vibrant!

Heather said...

What a neat series of pictures! You can see the excitement on his face in the last one. He sure looks like your DH, doesn't he?!

~ Natalie~ said...

Heather everyone says he is my dh's clone. He use to call himself daddy's mini

~ Natalie~ said...

Oh and Kim dh bribed him with buying him a new toy if he learned to ride it. lol So he had motivation.

Amanda said...

Awww, those are adorable pictures and the color is great!

Holly said...

Those are some great memories you have captured.

Way to go Kaleb!

~M said...

YAY!!!! Great pics!!!!

Maggie said...

Way to go!