Thursday, March 29, 2007

Day 29

So day two of decluttering the toys. These are of the kids other play area. I know these pics are not very interesting, but I am hoping that putting these here will be inspiration for the kids and I to keep it looking this way. :)


Rachel said...

Oooo, I'm so jealous of all your toy storage. Seems like ours is all in a pile in the middle of the family room...LOL! That looks like a fun room for the kids!

Maggie said...

You are one organized mamma!!

Heather said...

What a fun play room! Great job on the organization! I'd be tempted to keep the kids out of there for a while just so it can stay nice and pretty! *giggle*

~M said...

What a great room! I love the colors in there! I'm jelous!

jessstephkylesmom said...

Good luck in keeping it organized!! Looks great!