Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Day 7

This picture says it all about my day. Three, of my five kids, have strep throat. I have taken more temperatures in the last 2 days than I can even count. So I think this pretty much sums it up.


Rachel said...

Awww, I hope you all feel better. That's a good photo to capture the mood though. I like how the black and white adds to it.

Erica said...

I am so sorry...seems the last few months in our house have been the same way. HUGS!

Maggie said...

aw....glad to see someone else has this thermometer in their 365 blog. lol.

Hope the kiddos get well fast!

Heather said...

Awww. *hugs* I hope they feel better soon!

Jess said...

Yikes...hoping for healthier days ahead!

Amanda said...

I have that one... well I lost it somewhere, but I have it.

I hope you all feel better soon.